1.2 KostaCLOUD

General Information about KostaCLOUD UI Layout

Here we will discuss the layout and basic operation of KostaCLOUD. There are a few items which we will talk about here that you should be aware of:

  • Top Access Panel - Used for Project to Workspace level quick operations.

  • Navigation Bar - Used for switching between operating modes in design process.

  • Object/Properties Pane - Object Pane lists the objects in a Workspace and the Properties Pane lists editable properties within an object.

  • Workspace Viewer - Allows you to see the elements within your active Workspace.

  • View Cube - Allows you to quickly snap to different views of your Workspace.

  • Scale Bar - Allows you to see the scale of objects (Also be aware that inserting a geometry will be correlated to the scale).

  • Workspace Footer - Allows you to create a new Workspace in the current Version within the Project as well as switch between Workspaces.

A few important quick-notes:

  • The fastest way to convert any field (such as radius of curvature, thickness, etc.) in KostaCLOUD to an Independent Variable is to click within the properties text box and use the quick key ctrl+q. You can also lock this variable by pressing ctrl+q a second time, and the optimizer will not change the value.

  • If you want to tile windows like you can in other programs, feel free to open the same KostaCLOUD Workspace in a new tab by copying the URL to a new Tab, and tiling them with the Operating System (OS), or use the tabs built into the browser.

Below we can see an example of a design in KostaCLOUD:

Top Access Panel

There are quite a few buttons/Items to know about that are located in the Top Access Panel. From left to right we have:

  1. Project Name - If you have rename project permissions, you can click on the project name, and edit the name directly.

  2. Version/Fork Name - This is the active Version or Fork for the current Project.

  3. Mode - A dropdown select that will in the near future switch between different design modes, such as Ray Optics Mode and Wave Optics Mode.

In the Navigation Bar there are a few tabs you can switch between which dictate operating modes of KostaCLOUD which are are:

  • Geometry - Which allows you to insert elements into the Workspace.

  • Parameter - Which allows you to optimize a design, or setup parameters for particular aspects of a design such as Computed Metrics (like EFL, RMS Spot size, etc.), or independent variables which the optimizer optimizes, or dependent variables.

  • Detection - Which allows you to insert detectors into the Workspace. (Available in 2025)

  • Simulation - Which allows you to simulate and setup system parameters for your system in context to the design mode. (For example set F/# in Imaging)

  • Analysis - Which allows you to plot data from Simulation

  • Tolerance - Which allows you to do sensitivity analysis and Monte-Carlo analysis for your design.

  • Data - Which allows you to upload data files or select a live-stream of data which can be used in a simulation or in analysis.

Object/Properties Pane

Below you can see the Objects and Properties Panes as they look in KostaCLOUD by switching tabs. The goal for each pane is:

  • Properties - To list an extensive list of all properties for a selected Object.

QuickDash and Scalebar

Workspace Viewer

The Workspace Viewer is as simple as it gets. You get to see your design using it.

View Cube

Scale Bar

The Scale Bar provides the user a reference of scale for the system. The number denoted is the length of the entire scale bar. Additionally, the angle bracketed values <X,Y,Z> represent the location of the mouse projected onto the view plane and optical axis.

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